Thursday, February 28, 2013

Hamilton vs. Jefferson

The letters were written on September 9th 1792. I think there going to be about the government or Constitution. They were writing to Washington to explain the situation to him. Since their was a big conflict on how each of them wanted to run the Legislative branch. I think what was happening is that there were people telling George that Jefferson and Hamilton were talking behind eachothers backs. There is no doubt that they were since in Jeffersons letter it says " I will not let my retirement be ruined by the lies of a man who history—if history stoops to notice him—will remember a person who worked to destroy liberty." I think Jefferson is angrier because he must have said more. I know this because it sounds like Jefferson is "sucking up" to Washington. At the end of the letter he talks about how he is Washington's most humble servant and he was calling him "Sir." I think Hamilton started the fight. I think he pushed Jeffersons buttons until he said something mean to him, then went and told everyone how bad of a person Jefferson was. Based on what they wrote, I would trust Hamilton more. Jefferson seems kinda two faced! Almost like he would talk about someone then when they would confront him about it he would deny everything.

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