Thursday, February 21, 2013

Shay's Rebellion

Springfield Times

"The Rebellion"

By Hannah Doyle

March 1st 1787
Did you hear about Danielle Shay's Rebellion? How could you not? It was here in Town just last month on the 27th. Danielle Shay led over 1,000 farmers to Springfields to our arsenal,to get guns and ammunition. The only reason they wamted guns and ammo was because they couldn't sell their goods. So then they couldn't pay the taxes that the state wanted. Then the state officials had to take the farmers land and send some of them to jail. The farmers then grew a hatrid for the government. So back at the arsenal our state Militia met them, we shot over their heads to scare them off but they kept going. So we were forced to shoot again. As a result 4 were found dead. Now my opinion as an American is that our goernment can't control further violence if they can't hold back some farmers.
"A little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing"               Thomas Jefferson.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good start but remember this is to replace multiple assignments so it needs to be more developed.
